Hola friends!
If you are anything like me you LOVE to have a clean sink! I have a problem with cleaning.. I guess you could say I love to clean and organize things. To me it makes me feel like my life is in order even its its a wreck, mind over matter right?
I have been using the Soft Scrub with the bleach for as long as I can remember. Who doesn't love some bleach cleaning? This was one of the hardest products to let go of when I was cutting out toxins and other junk products. But I finally had my moment! I was cleaning my sink after breakfast one morning. I used a scrubby brush so my hands wouldn't touch the paste because bleach makes my hands irritated.
Well later that day I could smell bleach and was confused because I wasn't around any. Well I smelled my hands and they were the culprit! I seriously couldn't believe it. I finally said enough is enough and threw the bottle in the garbage. Bleach is rough on my skin to begin with but to stay on my hands all day from barely touching it, no thank you!
After not using bleach for a year I can say that I don't like the smell of it like I used to. It just smells terrible! It might clean stuff but honestly there are so many natural products out there that wont cause harm to you or your family. So why not take advantage of them?
Since I chucked my Soft Scrub out I was on the hunt for a natural alternative. So I hit Pintrest, like always, and found this recipe.
If you are anything like me you LOVE to have a clean sink! I have a problem with cleaning.. I guess you could say I love to clean and organize things. To me it makes me feel like my life is in order even its its a wreck, mind over matter right?
I have been using the Soft Scrub with the bleach for as long as I can remember. Who doesn't love some bleach cleaning? This was one of the hardest products to let go of when I was cutting out toxins and other junk products. But I finally had my moment! I was cleaning my sink after breakfast one morning. I used a scrubby brush so my hands wouldn't touch the paste because bleach makes my hands irritated.
Well later that day I could smell bleach and was confused because I wasn't around any. Well I smelled my hands and they were the culprit! I seriously couldn't believe it. I finally said enough is enough and threw the bottle in the garbage. Bleach is rough on my skin to begin with but to stay on my hands all day from barely touching it, no thank you!
After not using bleach for a year I can say that I don't like the smell of it like I used to. It just smells terrible! It might clean stuff but honestly there are so many natural products out there that wont cause harm to you or your family. So why not take advantage of them?
Since I chucked my Soft Scrub out I was on the hunt for a natural alternative. So I hit Pintrest, like always, and found this recipe.
Soft Scrub recipe
-3 Tbs Castile soap (see notes below)
-1 Cup Baking Soda
-20 Drops of essential oil (see notes below)
Mix everything in a bowl and if your mixture is on the dryer side you can add more Castile soap, a little goes a long ways so start small.
Store in an air tight container because it will dry out if left uncovered. I use a half pint jar.
To use just open jar and scoop out with your fingers or a damp cloth or scrub brush. I find it works best if you wet down the surface you are working on.
Over the last few months I have found this scrub to be the cats meow! I have used it for all sorts of things and am still finding new things all the time.
Seth uses it along with dish soap to get all the grease off his hands after work.
This is the sink at the farm. It took all the build up off really nice and left it sparkly.
I love how it suds up!
This is my washer here in town. My boyfriend works on machinery so his clothes are grease filled and leave this gunky ring around the top. I tried all sorts of products but they just smeared it and didn't take it off. I used the paste and with a few gentle rubs BOOM it came off!
This was a pan used out at the farm that had sausage boiled then fried in it. The right picture was taken after I had already scrubbed it once with just water. The left picture was after very little effort in scrubbing with my soft scrub. I have also used it to take stains out of my white ceramic coated pans.
So I have had this cock pot for like 3 years and after a while it got this icky looking ring on it. I scrubbed and scrubbed, nothing. I let it soak for days on end, nothing. I gave up and thought it was just wear on the enamel because it felt smooth like nothing was stuck on it. Then one night for shits and giggles I tried the soft scrub... I couldn't fricken believe my eyes!!!! It actually came off!
This picture is of the farm oven.. I honestly don't remember the last time it has been cleaned because it has been close to impossible to accomplish (or so I thought). I sat down one day for 3 hours with 2 brushes, a sponge, my soft scrub, and a razor blade and got that baby clean!! Now don't get me wrong this was defiantly not an easy task and took tons of elbow grease but the soft scrub took the first layer of shit off then after that it was just trying to get the little specks scraped off.
I keep adding to this list all the time! It is crazy what a little soap and baking soda can do. There is no need for chemical filled products when we have simple ingredients that get the job done and not jeopardize your health in the process.
1. I use the Dr. Bronners Unscented baby soap for this recipe but the Sal Suds one would be excellent also.
2. For essential oils always do your own research on the company. I use a combo of Plant Therapy, DoTERRA, and Young Living. I like to use OnGuard and Tea Tree in this recipe because they are both awesome at killing germs and cleaning. But feel free to experiment with your own.
3. I always use glass when storing products. Some oils can eat/ pull toxins from plastic and you don't want that junk in your products!
On a side note if you don't feel like making it you can purchase it on my little Facebook page Shop! Just shoot me a message if you'd like to order. I definitely would be willing to ship any where in the US, but you'd be responsible for postage.
On a side note if you don't feel like making it you can purchase it on my little Facebook page Shop! Just shoot me a message if you'd like to order. I definitely would be willing to ship any where in the US, but you'd be responsible for postage.
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