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Crispy Fried Chicken

Hola friends!

When I was younger my Ma would make homemade chicken strips that were fantastic! She came across this recipe for fried chicken in one of our old farm house cook books and played around with it and formed this recipe that we have come to love today.

This is a pantry staple in our house (along with our bulk taco seasoning.) We not only use it on chicken but its lovely on fish too! All the spices blend together so nicely and the flour and corn meal create a crunchy crust. 

A little goes a long way with this dry mix, so a jar will last you a long time. Which, who doesn't love something that lasts a long time? Ok lets dig into this!

Ingredients for Fried Chicken Dry Mix

  • 2 cups Flour
  • 1/2 Cup Corn Meal
  • 1 Tbs salt
  • 2 Tbs Paprika
  • 3/4 Tbs Celery Salt
  • 2 Tbs Dry Mustard
  • 1 Tbs Garlic Salt
  • 1 Tbs Pepper
  • 1/2 tsp Dried Thyme 
  •  1 tsp Ground Ginger
  • 1/2 tsp Oregano
Mix and Store in a quart jar.

To use just place a little into a container/ bag and toss in your choice of meat (can do a egg wash before coating meat if you would like) shake till its all covered.

Once they are covered you can either fry it or bake it in the oven. 

For these little drumsticks, I shallow pan fried them then baked them in the oven. I use avocado oil for everything in my kitchen. You can use coconut oil and olive but try to avoid vegetable oil.

After I got the outside as crispy as I wanted I placed them on one of my silicon baking sheets (added some extra salt and pepper) and placed them into the oven. I baked these bad boys at 425 degrees for 45 min.

I absolutely recommend these silicon baking sheets! You can get them from any cooking store and even Walmart carries them I believe. I love them because they are very Eco-friendly and I don't have to waste a bunch of money on parchment paper to only use it once then chuck it. They are also super easy to clean and I haven't had anything stick to them.

Presto! Dinner is served- fried chicken, pasta salad, corn, and a glass of raw milk. Talk about delicious. For a side you could definitely do mashed potatoes and gravy! I was just to lazy to venture out into the cold to get some of our garden potatoes from our well house.

On a side note
If you are like me and don't have access to fresh vegetables year round at your grocery store I recommend buying the frozen over the canned goods. Most canned veggies have either salt and/or sugar added which in my books is a big no no. With frozen veggies its just the vegetable, nothing added. 

Hold the Scraps!!
Another thing you can also do is save your bones and veggie scraps. I keep this plastic bag in the freezer and add to it all the time. When it gets full I will make a healthy bone broth that can be used in soups, gravy, dog treats you name it! I absolutely love multipurpose items.

I hope this becomes a staple in your pantry as it is ours. Let me know how it goes or if you have any fried chicken tips toss them below.

Until next time, happy trails my friends!


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