Hola friends! In Part 1 and 2 of this series, we talked about how to make your own laundry detergent and the importance of adding vinegar to your laundry . Continuing on with Part 3 lets green up your laundry with a switch to wool dryer balls! Dryer balls are an awesome trade for your dryer sheets! They have been gaining significant popularity which is no surprise. Conventional dryer sheets contain artificial fragrances or other toxic ingredients know to cause skin irritation and respiratory health problems. Wool dryer balls, on the other hand, are biodegradable, naturally antimicrobial, and free of chemicals or dyes. 3 Awesome Reasons to Use Wool Dryer Balls and Ditch the Dryer Sheets 1. They shorten drying time by up to 20%, which means saving energy and money. 2. They are a Zero Waste option. They replace the disposable sheets and last up to 1,000+ loads 3. They soften laundry naturally without chemicals. How do Wool Dryer Balls Work? Wo...