Hola friends! I figured I'd start my blog off with my favorite kitchen items and how to care for them. So stay tuned for up coming Kitchen Care posts. Today I wanna cover wood and the importance of it in the Kitchen. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- I can describe the modern kitchen with one word. Plastic. Almost everything we come into contact with has plastic. We now have plastic bowls, cutting boards, food containers, utensils, cups.. the list goes on and on. What happened to good old fashioned glass, wood, and metal? Lately, I've been trying to get rid of that junk because they do nothing for me. Give me a good cast iron skillet and a wood spoon and I'll be one happy gal. I absolutely love the idea of hand me down and anything vintage! When I acquire a new used kitchen tool (you can find a bunch of things at a second hand store or just ask your relatives, they always seem to be giving things away) I can'...